Saturday, August 15, 2009

I Made It!

So, today was the day that I was supposed to go run 5 miles with my workout Nazi friend, Alison. We went for an early morning run at about 7am (I know, some of you are thinking I'm even crazier because I really like my sleep!). I made it through the whole run and she didn't take off and leave me (she was being nice). I'm pretty sure that 1.2 additional miles would have killed me....guess I'll find out next weekend!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Newest Venture

For those of you who have the privilege of knowing me well, you know that I am somewhat fickle. With fickleness comes new fads, trends, ideas, addictions, etc. Here's my latest idea: I will attempt to run in a mini-marathon (10K or 6.2 mi.) 12 days. I know what some of you are thinking, "You?! In a marathon? I didn't even know you ran. And for goodness sake, how on earth can you possibly be in shape to run a marathon? After all, you don't exercise and every time I see you you have a Dr. Pepper in your hand!" To answer your questions:
-I used to run (it's been 2 years since I've ran and about 11 years since I've ran more than 1 mi. at a time).
-Am I in shape? Absolutely not.
-And yes, I do have a Dr. Pepper in my hands at all times.
So, to see just how out of shape I was I decided to go for a little run this evening. At 1 mi. I had been running for 11:47. It seemed to pass by pretty quickly. At mile two my time was 21:46. I felt pretty good and could have continued, but had some serious rawness on each of my ankles. I later discovered that they were bleeding (I decided not to take pictures for those of you who have week stomachs)-it's a good thing I ordered some actual running shoes today, which I can't wait to get in. I'm going to continue to run every other day and see how much progress I can make by August 22nd. I'm supposed to go on a 5 mile run this Saturday with a girlfriend of mine (the one who inspired me to give this a try) who's a workout Nazi and runs in marathons every few months. I'll let you all know how that goes......if I'm still alive.