Monday, February 27, 2012

Hello There

Well, I think I've established the fact that blogging is NOT my thing. It clearly ranks fairly low on my list of priorities. I just don't have the ability to quickly crank out a post that's meaningful or that flows quite the way I'd like it to. I'm simply not one who finds it easy to write for the reader and I have found that I don't have the time to dedicate to writing the way I'd like to. Maybe it would happen more often if it were not such a chore? Who knows. With that said, I'd like to give a brief update since I last blogged (September 18, 2010-I know, I know. Pathetic). So, since that last post we've had 2 Christmases, too many birthdays to count, various other holidays, one birth, and many life changes. I'll skip boring you with all of the updates and jump to the more recent, more important ones spread out in a couple of posts. In this post, I want to introduce you to Preslee Jill Holland. She's the newest Holland and is a doll. She's already 10 months old and I cannot figure out where those 10 months went. She's a ton of fun, but is definitely keeping me running! Preslee is a quick crawler, cruiser, and climber and I constantly have to watch her. She loves toilet paper and flushing the toilet. And she is always trying to figure out how to get just one leg over the side of the bathtub, because she knows that if she gets one over the rest is history and she can play! Needless to say, she keeps me on my toes daily. We are tremendously blessed to have this precious child in our lives. Preslee Jill, we love you. You are growing up too quickly though. Do you think you can drag this next year out a little bit longer?