Saturday, December 22, 2012


Dear Friends & Family,
I cannot believe that it is already this time of year again! I have tried to sit back and think, in depth, about all that has happened this year and it is all just a blur. We find ourselves busier and busier by the day, but are blessed beyond our imagination and would not have it any other way.
This year started off with a bang and Joel was blessed with a new job in February that he graciously welcomed. He has had the opportunity to grow and lead and teach; doing the very things that God created him for. He went on his annual Elk hunting trip again this year and made SURE he took sunscreen this year!
Kailee, 13, has had a fun-filled year and is getting too old too fast (we’ve got our baseball bats ready and have been practicing our swing)!  Seventh grade came to an end in June and eighth grade is proving to be the best year thus far. This year was filled with trips to Mission Arlington, camp in Leakey, TX, Seattle, San Antonio, as well as fun with friends, church, school and cheer. Kailee has enjoyed cheer immensely and is not looking forward to it ending. She is growing in her faith and is growing into a beautiful, responsible young lady.
Elli, 4, brings us laughter daily. Elli is at such a fun age and is enjoying life. She loves the park, learning, helping mom, and anything that has bling or that is girly. This year we transitioned from waking up in the middle of the night to play dress up, to sleeping through the night (THANK GOODNESS!!). Elli amazes us every day with her desire to learn. She is constantly trying to figure out what letter words start with and the sounds they make. She is getting better each day at identifying her letters and can identify numbers 1-12 and write them, and she counts to 50 pretty much on her own. She is really great at identifying patterns and likes to make up silly words.  She is a “re-memory verse” queen and she LOVES her bible and the stories that are in it and is learning to pray “real prayers” on her own. Elli LOVES her sisters and the rest of her family to pieces.
Preslee, 20 months, is a little ham. If there is any chance that we will have a gymnast in the family, she’s the one. Preslee has been walking since her 10th month (February) and transitioned right into climbing. Preslee is a loveable, snuggly, precious little girl. She is learning her ABC’s, Jesus Loves Me, and lots of new words. This little girl gives more hugs and kisses than any other little girl that we know and we are enjoying it while it lasts.
I don’t even know where to begin about what I have been doing this year! I have been so busy and so blessed. I was called to come home and be a stay-at-home momma before the years end last year and have enjoyed every moment of it (almost). In July, I decided it was time to take a leave from my photography business and took a part time, work-from-home position with a local ministry called Restoration Farm. It has been an awesome experience to be able to pour into the lives of single moms and being blessed, myself, by them. 
I wish I could give you all of the details of our blessings and the way that God has moved through our family, but instead of a letter, you would have a book. All we can say is that God has been good in 2012, and will always be, and we cannot wait to see what He has in store for us in 2013.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


The Hollands

James 1:17 Every good present and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father who made the sun, moon, and stars. The Father doesn’t change like the shifting shadows produced by the sun and the moon.