Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Blast From the Past

"It really does matter in heaven what you do on earth."-Shana Schutte Author/Speaker
This quote came to mind today when I was at the park with my two youngest, and I ran into a friendly face from my past. I ran into my old neighbor from the apartment that I lived in when I was a single mom (10+ years ago). Had it been anyone else, I'm not sure that I'd have remembered them. You see, the reason that I remember Vanessa and her husband is because they were Christians. I knew this not because they told me so, but because of the life that they lived. Without them having a single clue, the way that they lived their lives ministered to me and today I had the wonderful opportunity to tell them this. I'm confident that this sweet couple will have plentiful rewards waiting for them in heaven because of what they did while they were on this earth. They are sweet, sweet blessings to those whom they come into contact with.Think about this as you go about your day and think about whether or not your life is ministering to those around you. And remember that what you do on earth really does matter in heaven. Are you living a life that reveals your Christianity merely by your actions and words? Or would people question your claims to being a Christian? I know that I need to have this thought in my mind as I live out my life!